Christian Music Today Reviews Demonstrate Your Power Song By Bukky Agboola!

More Demonstrate Your Power Reviews

Jonah said: “When I tell you I love this song I mean every single word. I think the idea is wonderful! Calling on God to demonstrate His wonderful power is a great thing to do. Praise God that He does this every single day even when we don't see it and even in the “secret ways.”. . . I see this song and you as an artist going very far and leading many to the love that is available only through Christ Jesus. . . I will be blasting this in my car OFTEN.” said:  “WOW! What power in this song!” 

Tom said: "I love the cool guitar sounds and the worship focus! This is powerful worship.” 

Linh said: “. . . The songs are so beautiful.”

MT said: “. . . LOVE it  . . Please keep making great music!”

Cierra said: “This song is so fun!! I love the beat, makes me want to dance. I think the sound is super fun and I love the style on this.”

Rebecca said: “Oh, that guitar tone is just great! Straight off the bat, this was a track that gave a lot of energy and easy to get into. I love the sound of your voice, very special. Going to check your catalogue for more chill music, as I’d love to hear your voice.” 

Lienhard said: "Thanks for your music. It’s a fine mixture of energy and emotions! . . . You’ll reach so many people with your music, I’m sure about this.:)”

LINO said: “This is a great song."

Softly and Tenderly Song By Bukky Agboola Comments

Jonah said: “Once again Bukky, I have always loved this hymn and I love it just as much now! Your version of this song is one of my new favorites. Thank you for being faithful to the Spirit's leading. . .You are the real deal.”


MT said: “A beautiful rendition and praise to He who matters most!”


Content said: “Your vocals on this track were quite heavenly. . . “


Emitha said:  “I LOVE this... I adore it. . .”


For said: “Such a beautiful song. . ."


Eric said: "I love the melody in the chorus - nice job!”


Tom said: "Love this one, . . . this rendition of this classic song spoke to me and love the power and soul you poured into it. . .”


Listen & Download Now. Powerful Uplifting Songs That Glorify God and Cry Out For Revival!

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Bukky’s Music Connects to God to Express Ultimate Love

Everyone wants Gospel music to sound as beautiful as possible since it is being played for the glory of God. It is the primary mission of the finest Christian musicians that they first grasp and understand the lyrics of the songs because only then can they spread the message with true emotions. When we listen to female gospel singer Bukky Agboola‟s beautiful voice, we are attuned to worship which is blissful and everyone around feels One Body in Christ. 


Music as a Holistic Experience 

Bukky Agboola is among those prominent American gospel musicians who believe that music in worship should never be used for artistic self-promotion, but as a service to God. Her top Gospel music gives an honest confession of one‟s faith. The lyrics touch the deepest of feelings and stimulate emotions, as they are voiced holistically out of the profound emotions. Those who listen to her, feel the vitality and connection of their souls and come back to her to renew their experience. 


The Power of the Voice 

Bukky‟s powerful and soothing voice brings listeners closer to God where they can express their “Ultimate Love‟. Most of the time they start humming or singing along, and their identities merge into a sublime whole. While listening to Bukky live you would find her “elevated” to the status of one of the the finest Gospel vocalists. The lyrics of her songs combined with heart-touching messages; bring about certain feelings that are difficult to transcribe in words. Bukky‟s music is mostly experienced as a special source of power: a power that lets one attune to larger groups and higher orders, can change minds, and thus has a deep effect on minds and souls. 


Music that Connects to God 

Bukky‟s music becomes the carrier of sentiments about God and the love for God. She helps us understand the reality of God and emotionally supports the turning to God. Her musical services create a meditative atmosphere that purifies its listeners and connects with Him. The feelings of happiness and the experience of God‟s presence around us flow into one another. Her music becomes itself directly the medium of experiencing divinity closer to us. 


Experience Bukky’s Unique Performance 

Bukky Agboola has already earned a place as one of the finest female Gospel singers around. Her versatile personality comprises an award-winning gospel singer and author, and a sought-after speaker. She can captivate any audience with her mesmerizing voice and charismatic personality. Bukky is available to sing music from any of her recorded albums and beyond. Learn more about American gospel musician Bukky Agboola and the legacy of her music by visiting the Bukky Bio page. You can also contact this top female Christian music artist Bukky Agboola by filling out the online form and leaving a personal 
message for her..


“It was a moment of blessing listening and seeing you  minister from your heart with purity and verity” 

-Pastor Segun O. Nigeria


"Your vocals are awesome - such a great singer and I could listen for hours. " 

-Michael, USA.


"What a rich voice! Well done!! I really enjoyed this!"

-Sam S. USA  


"The expression in your singing is beautiful!"

-Lexi. USA 

I Love You Lord Comments


"It was a Beautiful song The vocal was so amazing It was touching..."

-Tata K. USA.


"You have a great voice, it really is an angelic experience. . . "

-End Sessions 


"Love the soulful and R&B influences going on in here. Especially with that awesome organ. Your vocals are awesome - such a great singer and I could listen for hours..."

-Michael USA.


"Hi Bukky, The first thing to say is that I loved the song. I really enjoyed it from beginning to end. The musicality, the rhythm and the melody are just perfect, and it is one of the best works I can remember receiving in a long time. I will add you to the top of my playlist. Regards,"

-PLister. USA.




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My Hope

Bukky Agboola

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Nipa Ife Olugbala (All Will Be Well Yoruba African Version)


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